Service and Savings in Newfoundland

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Auto Gander Newfoundland Insurance Quotes2023-10-17T10:38:58-02:30

Save on car insurance in Gander

We’re one of Gander’s largest independent brokers. We specialize in auto insurance. With a simple online quote or a quick call, you will get quotes from up to eight insurance companies. And with savings of up to 30%, you’ll be on the road with Gander’s best auto protection and benefits. That’s a promise.

Gander, an international home.

Gander is a town of modern living steeped in a rich history. You will find everything you need in a minute’s reach, including a plane to a favourite destination. A unique town all its own, Gander is a strategic location for families and businesses alike. Your insurance can be as unique as your route. At Munn Insurance you can find the most competitive auto insurance in Gander and save while you’re doing it.

Driving in Gander – Tips to keep you on the road.


Car crashes are the leading cause of death and injury to children in Canada. When children are using an appropriate car seat, they are well protected with a minimized chance of injury due to an accident. Knowing a child’s height and weight before purchasing a new car seat is important, and there are multiple laws regarding which seats are appropriate for children of different heights, weight and ages. Be sure to know if your child is protected before hitting the road.


Newfoundland means fog, and Gander is no exception to the towns that can be hit by this extremely dangerous weather condition that is often underplayed. Drivers should slow down as driving at normal speeds in fog can be very dangerous. Slowing down means more time to react to traffic stops and potential hazards. Also, motorists should avoid using high-beam headlights in fog as fog consists of tiny water droplets that spread and reflect light. Low-beams should be used to help vehicles to be visible to one another. And last, always remain focused. Turn down the radio, stop conversations and keep attention on the road.


Newfoundland implements multiple laws regarding distracted driving. Follow the law and set yourself some guidelines to follow as well. Vow to not multi-task, keep kids and pets buckled in and secured in their areas, plan your route before you go and even try to avoid reaching for something that has been dropped in the car. All these guidelines can keep you and your passengers safe as you navigate the streets.


Though wind may not seem like a significant risk but Newfoundland is known for its high gusts of winds through all seasons. Drivers need to take care when driving through areas prone to strong winds or when weather reports predict severe weather. Also, motorists should notice larger vehicles such as tractor-trailers as they are much more susceptible to high winds. And drivers should always keep a firm grip on the wheel as strong winds have the ability to push moving vehicles.

A few facts about car insurance in Gander.

  • The average age of auto insurance policyholder in Gander is 36
  • The average age of drivers in Gander is 50
  • The number of accident claims in Gander in 2018 was 1100
  • The top automotive brands we insure in Gander are Ford, Chevrolet, Honda, Toyota, Mazda, Chrysler, Hyundai
  • 59% of people in Gander drive Cars
  • 41% of people in Gander drive Trucks
A father and son holding hands, smiling at one another.

Facts and myths about Gander.


Gander hosted early experiments in aerial refuelling in the late 1930s.

The runways at Gander International Airport routinely handle the world’s largest, fastest and heaviest aircraft, up to and including the Antonov An-225.

Due to its strategic location and runway capacity, Gander was a designated alternate landing site for NASA’s Space Shuttle program.

Nearly all of Gander’s streets are named for famous aviators, from the Wright brothers, Alcock and Brown, Lindbergh and Earhart to more modern pioneers like Canadian astronauts Marc Garneau, Roberta Bondar and Chris Hadfield.


Gander has minimal health services.

Gander actually services the communities of Appleton, Benton and Glenwood. The health care in Gander includes Bell Place Community Health Centre, James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre, and Lakeside Homes

There are limited economic opportunities.

The main economic industries include transportation, communications, public administration and defense. In addition, a large portion of the economy in Gander is driven by the service industry as it is central to a service area consisting of more than 80,000 people in some 130 communities within a 100km radius.

Gander doesn’t have many recreational attractions.

The Town supports and operates many parks, hiking trails, playgrounds and recreational programs year-round. Major facilities include a multi-purpose hockey arena, a curling club and an 18-hole golf course.

You need to leave to access retail and other services.

Town of Gander has over 420 businesses that include more than 200 dining and retail establishments.

We do the shopping. You get the savings.

Newfoundlanders love choice. And they love saving too! At Munn Insurance, we deliver on both. As an independent insurance broker, we shop our extensive network of insurance partners to provide our Newfoundland customers with the best coverage at the best rate. Some of the insurance companies we search for our customers include:

How Munn Insurance saves you money.

We work for you – that’s what an insurance broker does. We shop the market on your behalf, so Munn insurance can offer you the most access to the best discounts from our insurance partners.

  • Bundling (Auto + Home Discount)
  • Multiple Vehicle Discounts
  • Experienced Drivers Discount
  • Safe Drivers Discount
  • Claims-Free Discount
  • Loyalty Discount
  • And Many More

Combine your home and car policies and save.

With Munn Insurance, home and auto policies are better together. It means extra savings and additional coverage.  So combine them both and receive a discount on both. That’s like a double discount!

Combining also gives you the extra convenience of aligned renewal rates and less paperwork.

You can combine your auto policy with any Munn Insurance home policy for the following dwelling types:

  • Private Homes
  • Condos
  • Tenants
  • Cabins/Cottages
  • Rented Dwellings
A woman looking through a window.

Special discounts and savings with a Munn Insurance group policy.

We recognize the value groups provide to Newfoundland communities. First Responders, Health Care Professionals, Alumni Associations, Educators and Instructors all play a vital role in helping others across the Island. They give so much, and we’re happy to give back. Munn Insurance Preferred Groups in Newfoundland are able to take advantage of special discounts and many extra-valuable benefits.

  • Special Group Discounts
  • Mortgage & Real Estate Assistance
  • 0% Insurance Financing
  • Home Repair Assistance
  • Legal Assistance
  • Health Assistance
Energy NL
Allied Health Professionals
Tech NL
A. Harvey
  • CAA Members can SAVE up to 20% on Auto and Home Insurance
  • Access to multiple insurance markets; knowing you get the best coverage at the best rate
  • Confidence and security of being a member of a preferred group
  • Local, fast and efficient 24/7 Claims Service
  • Legal Assistance
  • Health Assistance

Get Newfoundland’s best leisure vehicle protection.

Newfoundlanders love their leisure time and their leisure vehicles. MyRide Leisure Insurance from Munn Insurance is the most competitive, comprehensive leisure vehicle insurance available in Newfoundland. Whether it’s your ATV, motorhome, motorcycle – or any of your leisure vehicles – A Munn policy offers more protection and value than any other program you’ll find.

  • Boat and Watercraft
  • ATV
  • Snowmobile
  • Classic Cars and Auto
  • Motorhome, RV and Trailer
  • Motorcycle
A day and his son cleaning a Mustang car.
Someone driving an ATV
Two girls hanging out the door of an RV
A girl on a boat wearing a life jacket and holding a fishing rod.
Two people riding a snowmobile.
Someone driving a motorcycle.

Car insurance laws in Gander.

Gander drivers must be in possession of legally determined minimum insurance coverage to drive on our roads. These minimum limits have been enacted to ensure drivers are financially responsible if an at-fault accident occurs.

Current limits for auto insurance in Gander are:

  • $200,000 in liability coverage per accident
  • Uninsured and unidentified motorist coverage

Gander drivers are not required to carry accident benefits coverage, although most do choose to buy this coverage, which includes coverage for medical payments, disability coverage, and death benefits coverage. This type of insurance is mandatory in other provinces. Many drivers in Newfoundland also opt to increase their liability coverage to limit risk and financial exposure.

There are also other optional coverages that can be purchased. These include comprehensive and collision coverage to protect in the event of an at-fault accident or non-accident scenario such as theft.

Gander car insurance – your questions answered.

A young girl sitting in a car seat in a pink jacket.
How is fault determined by insurance companies in Newfoundland and Labrador?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

In Newfoundland, the adjusters for the insurance companies involved in the claim will determine who is at fault. Each insurance company uses its own guidelines to come up with a fault determination.

Newfoundland is unusual in Canada in that it has no type of no-fault benefits. The insurance company for the at-fault driver is responsible for paying out on damages to the other driver’s vehicle as well as for injuries. Accident benefits are not a mandatory coverage in Newfoundland but are available to drivers who choose to add them to their insurance policy.

The handling of claims is governed by insurance regulations; the 2004 reforms helped to reduce the cost of lawsuits, but drivers can still be sued for pain and suffering.

What insurance system does Newfoundland and Labrador adhere to?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

Newfoundland and Labrador operates under the tort system. This lets you sue an at-fault driver for your pain and suffering, wage losses, and other damages related to an accident.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, what are the penalties for driving without auto insurance?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

If you’re convicted of driving without insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador, you’ll have to pay a fine that ranges from $2,000 to $4,000 for your first offence. The fine increases to a range of $3,000 to $5,000 for second and subsequent offences. And there are other penalties that may accompany your fine. If you’re charged for driving without insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador, you may also have your driver’s license suspended and your vehicle impounded for 90 days.

Is auto insurance mandatory in Newfoundland and Labrador?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

Yes. The law requires motorists to carry insurance on their vehicle.

What can I do to find cheap auto insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

There are many ways to get cheap auto insurance in Newfoundland and Labrador:

  • Work with an independent broker who can help you find the best policy
  • Always pay your premiums on time
  • Choose a vehicle with less susceptibility to theft
  • Choose a vehicle with more safety and security features
  • Maintain a good driving history
  • Obey the rules of the road and avoid speeding tickets
  • Understand and choose the right type of insurance coverage
  • Shop around for the best policy
Newfoundland and Labrador’s auto insurance rates are low. Why?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

Auto insurance rates in Newfoundland and Labrador are on the lower side of the spectrum thanks, in large part, to the reforms enacted by the government in 2004. These auto insurance reforms helped reduce rates across the province. But according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, additional reforms are necessary to maintain rate stability. Problems that allow for large pain and suffering awards for relatively minor injuries continue to exist in the province’s auto insurance system.

How do auto insurance rates in Newfoundland and Labrador compare to other provinces?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

Newfoundland and Labrador auto insurance premiums fall in the lower half of the national rate spectrum.

  • Ontario $1445
  • British Columbia $1680
  • Alberta $1251
  • Manitoba $1080
  • North West Territories $978
  • Nunavut $963
  • Nova Scotia $847
  • Saskatchewan $936
  • New Brunswick $819
  • Prince Edward Island $796
  • Quebec $661

Source: Insurance Bureau of Canada, 2017 and 2016 for Quebec

What are the factors used to determine auto insurance rates in Newfoundland and Labrador?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

Auto insurance rates in Newfoundland and Labrador are determined by a variety of factors:

  • Your driving record
  • The type and age of your car
  • Your insurance claims record
  • Your annual mileage and territory of use
  • How you use your car (personal or business)
  • Whether or not any other drivers in the household use your car

The 2004 auto insurance reform prevents auto insurance companies from denying coverage or increasing rates solely on the basis of any of these factors:

  • Age and gender
  • Age of the vehicle
  • Accidents in which you were not at fault
  • Lapses in insurance except when tied to a license suspension for a violation of traffic laws
  • Previously being refused insurance by another company
  • Being insured with Facility Association
In Newfoundland and Labrador, who determines auto insurance rates?2022-09-23T14:09:35-02:30

In Newfoundland and Labrador, individual insurers set auto insurance rates, which are then regulated and approved by the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities. Among the top factors that go into determining your rate are your driving record including tickets or at-fault accidents, the value of the car you drive as well as the make and model, and your driving habits including the length of your daily commute.

As one of Atlantic Canada’s largest independent brokers, we work for you – not the insurance company. So we always have your best interests at heart. That’s why we will shop around to find you the best insurance at the best price.

Our Latest Advice

How to Save on Insurance Amid Uncertainty of Tariffs and Trade Wars

In today’s global economy, trade wars and tariffs are a hot topic, and their potential impacts reach beyond just the cost of goods like cars, appliances, and steel. If tensions between countries like Canada and the U.S. continue, you might find that your home and auto insurance premiums rise as well. While this can seem like an unavoidable cost, there are steps you can take to help protect yourself from these increases and ensure you’re getting the best possible coverage at the most affordable price.

Why Could Tariffs Cause Insurance Premiums to Rise?

Tariffs are taxes imposed on goods imported from one country to another, and they can have a ripple effect throughout the economy. For the insurance industry, one of the key areas affected by tariffs is the cost of materials used to repair vehicles and homes. For example, if tariffs are imposed on steel, aluminum, and lumber, the cost to replace or repair your home or vehicle using these materials will increase. Additionally, disruptions in the supply chain caused by tariffs and trade wars can impact the availability of critical materials, such as car parts or building supplies like windows and doors. These shortages can further drive up the cost of repairs and replacements, which insurance companies often pass along to consumers in the form of higher premiums.

But don’t worry—there are proactive steps you can take to protect yourself from the potential strain on your wallet.

6 Tips to Lower Insurance Costs Amid Uncertainty of Tariffs

Here are 6 tips to help you get the best coverage at the best rate despite the uncertainty of tariffs and trade wars:

  1. Call a Local Insurance Broker (Like Munn Insurance)

One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from rising premiums is to work with a local insurance broker. Unlike large insurance companies and direct writers like the banks and national providers, brokers like Munn Insurance have access to a wide range of policies from multiple insurers. This means they can shop the market on your behalf to find the best coverage at the best price. Whether you’re dealing with rising auto rates or potential increases in home insurance premiums, a local broker will help you navigate the options and find a policy that meets your needs and budget.

  1. Review Your Home and Auto Coverage with a Broker

It’s important to review your home and auto insurance coverage regularly with a broker. Make sure you have the right coverage at the right price. A broker can help you evaluate your current policy, discuss options for increasing your deductibles to reduce your premiums, and ensure that you’re receiving all the discounts you qualify for. In particular, ask about group discounts that may be available depending on your employment or membership in certain associations. A broker can help you identify these opportunities and make sure you’re getting the most value from your policy.

  1. Discuss Guaranteed Replacement Cost Coverage

Understanding Guaranteed Replacement Cost coverage and whether you have it is important. For homeowners, this ensures that if your home is damaged or destroyed, your insurer will cover the full cost of rebuilding your home to its original value—regardless of how much material costs may have increased. There are some exclusions and exceptions, so be sure to discuss this coverage with your broker and understand exactly what you’re getting before you need it. It’s important to know that you’re fully covered, especially in times of uncertainty.

  1. Perform Regular Home Maintenance

Taking care of your home can help you avoid significant damages that may or may not be covered under your policy, depending on the coverage you selected when setting up your policy. Regular maintenance can prevent costly repairs and ensure that your home remains in top condition. When reviewing your policy, ask your broker about the types of damage that are covered and confirm that your policy provides protection for common home maintenance issues.

  1. Bundle Your Insurance Policies

Another great way to save on your premiums is to bundle your insurance policies. Consider combining your home, auto, and even recreational vehicle insurance (like for ATVs) and your seasonal properties under one provider. Bundling these policies together makes it easier for you to manage, and it allows you to take advantage of bundling discounts that can significantly lower your overall premiums. While the large directs and national providers only want to insure your Home and Auto, brokers have multiple markets that provide coverage for all of these under one roof.

  1. Shop Around for the Best Deal

Premiums may rise across the board, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a better deal. Rates fluctuate from insurer to insurer, so it’s important to shop around and compare options regularly. You can call different insurance companies directly, or, to save time, you can have a local broker do it for you. A broker has access to multiple markets, allowing them to find the best coverage at the most competitive rate, all while saving you the time and effort of making calls yourself. Brokers can help ensure you’re getting the right coverage at the best possible price.

Direct Writer Vs Broker

A direct writer offers policies from a single insurance provider. The agents that sell for a direct writer are limited in the options they can provide, as they are restricted to the coverages offered by the company they represent. They are motivated to sell you their policy not the one that’s best for you. On the other hand, insurance brokers have access to several providers and can shop around to find you the best coverage and value for your policy. This gives brokers the flexibility to continuously look for the best option for you, including when your policy renews each year.

You’re not stuck with the same insurance provider—if your premium goes up or you’re looking to make a change in coverage, your broker will do the research and make a recommendation that makes the most sense. In the case of Munn Insurance, we can shop Aviva, CAA Insurance, Intact, Pafco, Pembridge, or Travelers, to name a few. Direct writers can only quote you one market—the one they represent and work for. Brokers will give you independent advice about all of the options available to you.


The possibility of increased home and auto insurance premiums due to tariffs may seem daunting, but with the right strategies, you can protect yourself from unnecessary hikes. Working with a local broker like Munn Insurance, reviewing and updating your coverage, bundling your insurance policies, and making sure you have the right protections in place can help keep your premiums manageable—even in uncertain times. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be better prepared to navigate any potential increases that come your way.

Call Munn Insurance and Get Your Home and Auto Insurance Quote Today

At Munn Insurance, we’re committed to helping you find the best insurance quote. Whether you’re new to insurance or a seasoned pro, we make it easy to secure the right coverage at a competitive rate.

We work with a variety of providers to ensure you get the best value for your coverage, offering local expertise to guide you through the process. Don’t settle for less—let us help you navigate the options and find a policy that fits both your needs and your budget.

Ready to get started? Contact us today for a personalized home and auto insurance quote. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to ensure you’re protected and saving money.

Call us at 1-855-726-8627 and let us help you get the best coverage for your needs, giving you the peace of mind you deserve amid these uncertain times.

March 24, 2025|Categories: Auto Newfoundland, Auto Nova Scotia, Home Newfoundland, Home Nova Scotia, News|
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